The Butokukan Dojo 40th Anniversary celebration saw the formal announcement of the results of the Spring Shōdan Shinsa examinations for advancement into and within the dan degrees. The assessments were held during the preceding week but the results delayed until the evening of the 27th in Lewes.
To Shodan: | John Bowen | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes |
James Powell | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes | |
Ron Cuffley | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes | |
To Sandan: | George Dillon | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes |
To Yondan: | Christopher Fox | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes |
Stuart Dickinson | Vauxhall Dojo | London | |
To Godan: | Peter Powell | Butokukan Dojo | Brighton/Lewes |
All advancements are made under the Examination Rules and authority of the British Kendo Renmei .