Kendo Advancements – Autumn 2017

The Renmei practice at Tunbridge Wells, on Sunday 22nd October, saw the formal announcement of the following advancements within the dan degrees:

To Yondan: George Dillon Butokukan Dojo
To Godan: Ian Pattenden Tonbridge Dojo
Stuart Dickinson Vauxhall Dojo
Ric Bithell Butokukan Dojo
To Rokudan: Lucy Pratt Butokukan Dojo

All advancements are made under the Examination Rules and authority of the British Kendo Renmei .

Shōdan Shinsa – Spring 2017

The following students were advanced into or within the dan degrees at the shōdan shinsa, held under the Rules of the British Kendō Renmei, at Tunbridge Wells on Sunday 5th March 2017.

To Shodan:

Ian Calvert (Tonbridge)
Andy Haynes (Tonbridge)

To Nidan:

John Bridger (Tonbridge)
Matthew Williams (Tonbridge)

To Sandan:

Tim Bailey (Butokukan)
Tony Booker (Tonbridge)
Alistair Brindle (Butokukan)
Stephen Horton (Tonbridge)
Mark Morford (Tonbridge)
Philippe Negri (Tonbridge)